Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 28- always

{28:365} I will sit by her side until I can't anymore.

Just another day spent at the hospital. I had my husband take part of his day off and he was kind enough to do so, even though he had a hazmat meeting with Cal osha. We went to the hospital and got to sit with my Grandma for a bit. She responded to his voice, while squeezing my hand. My husband has sort of a loudish voice, she always has said "even though I can hardly hear, I can always hear George" lol. However it hurt me to see her try and struggle to respond, she has a bipap mask on and can't talk she moaned and tried to talk. I can't even begin to tell you how that feels to see that. :(

Oh my sweet little Grandma, how strong you are. Her tiny little body is trying so hard to fight this infection she has, she's trying to move, she is getting to much
co2 and that is causing her to be in this confused sleepy state.

My Grandfather came in and told her in Spanish that he was there and wouldn't leave, she's not alone. then he told her to open her eyes, and I nearly lost it, she tried to open them and mumbled again, and he told her "wider, me and TC are here" and she opened them all the way and looked at us but closed them right away. All I wanted to do was crawl onto that bed with her and hold her.

All I did today was text my cousin's and sit with my grandma, so this is the pic I have, man she would be pissed if she knew I took a pic of her swollen fingers. lol. Do you notice that her nails are painted. Always the lady. She had just had her nails and hair done at the salon at her rehabilitation center. Now I know where I get that from! God I love her.

I don't know how much I will get to see her tomorrow, I come from a very large family, we breed like crazy and since my Grandma was close to everyone, she is having so many visitors, but as long as I get to see her and she gets to hear that I am there with her, I will have kept my promise to her, that she would not be left alone in that place.

I am exhausted and in much need of sleep. good night.


  1. You are in my thoughts at this difficult time. Take care and draw strenght from those around you and your friends on this blog. We will be there for you.


  2. Thinking of you and your family at this time. I don't really know what else to write other than that.
    I wish the best for your Grandma.
