Tuesday, March 23, 2010


{82:365} I love you Polaroid.

I have always loved Polaroid cameras. I remember using my parents camera one Christmas, and I still have those pics!

I don't have any film and I know they are making some again, I just haven't justified 21 a pack for it, yet. I will though.....maybe around a special occasion.


  1. I had one of these. I let a friend take it to South Africa with her where she was doing a literacy and health training with a women's group. She left it with them and always promised to replace it, but never did. The saddest part for me about this is that I know those women couldn't find film for it. Oh well...... I love polaroid, too.

  2. oh no that is a bummer your friend didn't bring it back to you!

    I am so glad that a company decided to save polaroid but yikes that film is expensive!
